- Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith - First Flight [Western Vinyl, 2016]
- Ivor Cutler - I'm Walking to a Farm [Virgin, 1974]
- Mark B & Blade - Ya Don't See The Signs [Source, 2001]
- Kate Rogers - Here Comes Your Man [Grand Central Records, 2005]
- Machine Woman - Have You Been To Salford Shopping Centre, Have You Seen Argos? [Take Away Jazz Records, 2019]
- David Axelrod - Holy Thursday [Capitol, 1968]
- Opeth - Dignity [Nuclear Blast, 2019]
- Shaun Ryder - Close The Dam [Self-Released, 2015]
- Handsome Boy Modeling School - A Day in the Life [Tommy Boy, 2004]
- Jungle Brothers - Because I Got It Like That (Ultimatum Mix) [Gee Street, 1990]
- Shimon & Andy C - Body Rock [Ram Records, 2001]
- David Holmes - Rip Rip [MCA, 1998]
- Sarah Brightman & Hot Gossip - I Lost My Heart to a Starship Trooper [Ariola Hansa, 1978]
- Gipsy Kings - Hotel California [Columbia, 1999]
- Elmer Fudd feat. Billy West - Grilled Cheese [Warner Bros, 2012]
- Fugazi - Give Me The Cure [Dischord, 1988]
- Plant Life - Two Beautiful Souls in a Crazy World [Counterflow, 2004]
- The Duke Spirit - Surrender [Friction, 2010]
- Beyond The Wizards Sleeve - Diagram Girl [Phantasy, 2016]