- Floating Points - Kites [Pluto, 2017]
- Ian Brown - Sister Rose - Japanese Version [Polydor, 2007]
- John Carpenter - The Bank Robbery [Silva Screen, 2000]
- Rodrigo y Gabriela - Tamacun [Rubyworks, 2006]
- Max Sedgley feat. Tor Casey - Sound Boy [Jalepeno, 2010]
- Eagles of Death Metal - Family Affair [UMe, 2019]
- Anthrax - Bring the Noise [Island, 1991]
- Moondog - Witch of Endor [CBS, 1969]
- Pussy Riot - Bad Girls [Self-released, 2018]
- Ringo Deathstarr - Heavy Metal Suicide [Club Ac30, 2015]
- Shed - Silent Witness [50Weapons, 2012]
- Matt Berry - Medicine [Acid Jazz, 2013]
- Benjamin Zephaniah - Earth Liberation Sound [Fane Phonics, 2017]
- MC Devvo & Shady Piez - Crystal Meffin [Fat-Pie Records, 2007]
- Black Lodge - Horse with No Name [Mo'Wax, 2001]
- Blues Pills - High Class Woman [Nuclear Blast, 2015]
- The Maghreban & A-f-R-O - Hi Top Remix [R&S, 2018]
- Pop Will Eat Itself - Token Drug Song [RCA, 1992]
- Stone Temple Pilots - Sex & Violence [Atlantic, 1999]
- The Smashing Pumpkins - Perfect (Nellee Hooper Mix) [Virgin, 1998]
- Charles-Marie Widor - Organ Symphony No. 5 in F Minor (Op.42) played by Phillip Ledger [EMI, 2009]